Process & Loan Review

Does this…

Or this feel like your world?

We Can Help!

We are passionate, love, and believe in what we do as a small business.  We also believe strongly SBA lending plays a vital part in individuals lives, who like us, are a small business and passionate about what they do.

SBA Loan Programs have fueled the internal spark of entrepreneurship since 1953 creating and maintaining small business ownership across the United States and its territories.  Small businesses drive and assist the innovation necessary to promote economic development and growth of our country.

Necessary compliance with SBA Loan Programs will not only mitigate risk for you as the lender, but also mitigate risk to the agency, ultimately ensuring their survival.  Integrity is everything!

Help us keep the dream alive for those who come behind us!

SBA 7(a) | SBA 504

Since we feel so strongly about the conceptual nature of our SBA process and loan review, we have trademarked the concept as:
Preston Risk Mitigation Methodology, aka,


“You Perform, We Perfect”®


The Preston Group, LLC is certified as a 100% woman owned small business.