The Preston Group, LLC was formed to assist financial institutions, SBLC’s, CDFI’s, and CDC’s in accomplishing SBA 7(a) and 504 lending successfully. The firm has been built on ethics, integrity, and reputation. Internal controls are as much a part of our corporate life, as we recommend in yours.
From the beginning in 2007, growth has been strategically managed. The Preston Group does not try to be all things to all lenders and does not dictate how you must complete SBA lending processes. Instead, your processes are individually evaluated with recommendations provided within the realm of how you conduct business. This attention to detail is shown even in our logo of arrows. Lenders are attempting to go in the same direction but inevitably will want to think for themselves on how and when to get there. All we do is assist you with mastering the vision.
In other words, “You Perform, We Perfect”®.
Our Vision
To enhance the Small Business Administration government guaranteed loan programs by partnering with Lenders and Certified Development Companies across the nation to improve all aspects of production, policy, procedures, operations, internal controls, compliance and personal training, thereby increasing overall productivity, credibility, and longevity of the government guaranteed loan programs.
Our Mission
To be a catalyst within the Small Business Administration government guaranteed loan programs by encouraging operational improvement and compliance thereby increasing productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, overall performance, and ultimately profitability.
Our Promise
To fulfill the client’s expectations by improving the overall operation of the Small Business Administration government guaranteed loan programs administered while simultaneously conducting ourselves in the most professional and courteous manner in keeping with the “Golden Rule”.
Internal Control
All Small Business Administration Loan Program process and loan review conducted by The Preston Group, LLC constitutes an independent third party internal control for the organization being reviewed. The company does not create potential conflicts of interest by reviewing its own work. The company does not and will not engage in any SBA production activity including, but not limited to, marketing, underwriting, processing, closing, funding, servicing, or liquidating SBA loans.
- SBA 7(a) and 504 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
- SBA Expert Witness Testimony 2014
- Industry Leader since 2007
- National Client Base
- Seasoned Personnel with Vast Experience and Expertise in:
- SBA Regulatory Requirements
- Loan Origination, Underwriting, Closing, Funding, Servicing, & Intensive Servicing
- Loan Review
- SBA OCRM Risk Based Reviews
- Professional Experience from FDIC, Financial Institutions, Investigations, Real Estate, ORE Liquidations, Asset Management, Accounting, Finance, Project Management, Portfolio Management, Due Diligence Reviews, FDIC & SBA Contracting and Compliance
Areas of SBA Specialization
- Review of SBA Department
- Process Review
- Eligibility
- Processing
- Underwriting
- Closing/Funding
- Loan Review
- Due Diligence
- Servicing
- Intensive Servicing
- Training
- Reporting
- Internal Controls
- Risk Rating System
- Loan Loss Reserve
- Liaison/SBA Risk Review
- Liquidations/Harm Issues
- USDA Loan Review
SBA Lending Tools
- Credit Approval Memorandum (CAM)
- SBA Process & Procedures Manual
- Use of Proceeds/Funds Reconciliation
- Organizational Charts
- Checklists
- Strategic Plan
- Internal Control Policy
- Risk Rating System
- Borrower Injection/Contribution Reconciliation
Benefits of Personalized Service
- SBA Specific Training
- Oversight of Processes & Reporting
- Foundation for Future Growth
- Internal Controls
- Regulatory Compliance
- Servicing/Collections
- Operating Efficiency & Effectiveness
- Performance/Productivity/Profitability
- Internal Rate of Return